DA appalled at dysfunctional Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality

Issued by Lerina Strydom – DA Councillor – Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality
05 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Broadcasters: Please find attached soundbites in English and Afrikaans by Lerina Strydom

The DA in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality will write to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Tembi Simelane, through the DA representative serving in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), Jeanne Adriaanse, to demand urgent intervention in this dysfunctional municipality.

The persistent dysfunctionality within the municipality has been evident since the current council took office in November 2021.

Issues such as delayed meeting notices, late submission of documents, and non-functional Section 79 committees have a serious detrimental impact on the administration and management of the municipality.

The municipality is also buckling under financial mismanagement such as irregular, unauthorised, and wasteful expenditures.

During the 2021/2022 financial year, the municipality spent only 28% of their total budget allocated for Capital Projects.  In 2023/24, the municipality spent only 12.11% of their total budget allocated. Of the 12.11% budget spent, 60% went to salaries.

The municipality also spends excessively on Awareness Campaigns.  During these so-called Awareness Campaign events, ANC veterans’ activities are sponsored, as well as ANC regalia and promotional items in the form of umbrellas, blankets, cooler boxes, etc. being handed out.

Deferred items and expenditures often do not return to the council for review, indicating a lack of accountability. The failure to submit financial reports is a clear indication that there is no transparency.

This is a clear indication of a persisting culture of total disregard for the mandate of the municipality and a lack of accountability.

The DA remains committed to ensuring that expenditure on municipal budgets is effective and used to improve the lives of residents. Financial expenditures should be transparent, and those responsible must be held accountable.