DA to investigate Piet Plessis police response to break-In

Issued by Hendriëtte van Huyssteen – DA Constituency Head in Kagisano-Molopo
27 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Broadcasters: Please find attached soundbites in English and Afrikaans by Hendriëtte van Huyssteen

The DA will investigate the non-responsiveness of the Piet Plessis police station when urgent assistance was requested by the Piet Plessis Co-op on Saturday evening, 24 August 2024 after a break-in. The station’s only vehicle was stationed in Ganyesa, therefore there was no available police vehicle.

The following morning, a security company managed to track down the suspects and again contacted the Piet Plessis Police Station for assistance.

However, the response remained unchanged: the vehicle was still in Ganyesa. The distance from the Piet Plessis Police Station to the crime scene is a mere 700 meters – a distance that could have been covered on foot if necessary. Despite this, the police did not investigate the break-in.

This incident highlights a serious issue with the availability and responsiveness of our local police services. The inability to address a crime scene less than a kilometre away raises questions about the adequacy of resources and the commitment of our law enforcement agencies to their duties.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is deeply concerned about this lapse in police effectiveness and the potential impact on community safety. During the next sitting of the Portfolio Committee for Community Safety and Transport Management in the North West Legislature, the DA will formally raise this issue. We will demand a detailed explanation from the relevant authorities on why the Piet Plessis Police failed to respond appropriately despite the proximity of the crime scene.

Furthermore, we will request a comprehensive report on the availability and allocation of police vehicles at both the Piet Plessis and Ganyesa Police Stations. It is crucial to understand how resources are managed and to ensure that operational inefficiencies do not compromise public safety.

The safety of our communities depends on the ability of our police force to respond effectively to incidents. This situation underscores the need for urgent reforms to improve resource management and accountability within our police services. The DA remains committed to ensuring that law enforcement agencies are adequately equipped and responsive to the needs of our communities.