Vote DA to stop ANC’s North West jobs bloodbath

Issued by Leon Basson MP – DA North West Provincial Leader
15 May 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Broadcasters: Find linked soundbites in English and Afrikaans by Leon Basson MP.

The ANC’s jobs bloodbath continues to rob more than a million North West residents from the dignity that comes with a job.

Statistics SA released its Quarterly Labour Force survey yesterday, which saw another 13 000 North West residents join the unemployment lines, bringing the real unemployment rate to 53.6%, the highest provincial unemployment rate in the country.

The writing is on the wall for the ANC-led government which governs so badly that it actively creates unemployment, entrenches poverty, and widens inequality.

A DA-led government will deliver services, maintain infrastructure, and govern in an accountable and transparent manner. We will govern based on an economic policy that is proven to attract investment, grow and develop the economy, and create jobs.

In simple terms, while the ANC destroys jobs, the DA creates jobs. The DA-led Western Cape still holds the lowest unemployment rate in South Africa. Under DA Premier Alan Winde’s Growth for Job Programme, the Western Cape remains the job creation engine room of South Africa.

A DA-led government will accelerate job creation in North West and restore the dignity of more than a million unemployed persons. We can create jobs in North West when residents vote DA on 29 May 2024 so that we can rescue tens of thousands of North West families from economic misery.