Ratlou Local Municipality obtains 5th consecutive disclaimer audit

Issued by Cllr Aubrey Radebe – DA Councillor, Ratlou Local Municipality
09 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Broadcasters: Please find a linked soundbite in English by Cllr Aubrey Radebe.

The DA in the Ratlou Local Municipality notes with concern the municipality’s 5th consecutive disclaimer audit opinion while service delivery is at its worst.

The Auditor-General (AG) has highlighted poor financial controls and poor asset management. Payables and salaries were also flagged due to a lack of records. The culture of impunity persists as the municipality refuses to implement consequence management practices to address transgressions of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by officials.

Efforts by the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) to deal with some of these irregularities as per its mandate have been futile. There has been no political will from the ANC-led administration to support MPAC’s efforts to ensure good financial management.

The AG flagged a concern with the municipality’s R100 million bank overdraft facility since it has no reserve funds and should Ratlou not receive its equitable share, it will be stuck without funding to operate. We were as surprised as the AG about this overdraft facility since Municipal Manager Lloyd Leoko and the CFO Onalenna Malema neither presented the details of the overdraft in any of the monthly and quarterly reports. Ratlou incurred R11 million in irregular expenditure.

Comrades, cadres, and family members continue to receive undue benefits at the expense of residents. The AG flagged a conflict of interest between the municipality and the wife of the Acting Chief Financial Officer (ACFO), Collen Tjale, who has been doing business with the municipality.

The instability in the Ratlou Finance Department continues to negatively affect financial performance. Three individuals have served in an Acting CFO capacity over the last year.

The DA will through our North West Legislature Caucus Leader, Freddy Sonakile MPL, during SOPA announce our next course of action in dealing with the Ratlou Local Municipality affairs.

The corruption and abuse of public funds continue unabated under the corrupt leadership of the ANC. Ratlou residents should register to vote DA in this year’s elections because we are the only party in government that will ensure that every cent is spent to improve lives by delivering quality basic services.