President Ramaphosa must proclaim SIU investigation into Ratlou Local Municipality contracts

Issued by Freddy Sonakile – DA Spokesperson on Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional affairs in the North West Provincial Legislature
22 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Broadcasters: Please find attached soundbite in English by Freddy Sonakile

The DA has written to President Cyril Ramaphosa requesting him to proclaim a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) investigation into several irregular contracts in contravention of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) in the Ratlou Local Municipality. See letter here.

The ANC-led Ratlou Local Municipality has failed to account for incomplete projects, including:

  • The Madibogo Taxi Rank Project to the value of R2,5 million. The rank remains incomplete and has not been connected to the water and electricity reticulation systems;
  • Development of the Logageng Cover Grounds at a cost of R2 million. The area to date remains undeveloped and is not even fenced;
  • Road project at a cost of R11.5 million to connect Tlhaping and Madibogospan. To date the road remains only partially completed although the contractor, Dikelellong Engineering and Project Managers have already been paid and many more.

The DA has approached the SIU, requesting an urgent investigation into the municipality. The SIU confirmed that a complaint had been lodged with them by two whistleblowers. We submitted additional evidence to the SIU, requesting them to expand the scope of their investigations. All that is required now is for President Ramaphosa to issue the proclamation.

The SIU previously investigated irregular Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) contracts in Ratlou, to date, however, the ANC has refused to table the report in Council and neither has it taken any action on its recommendations.

In addition, the resignation letter of the former CFO, Tumelo Letlojane, levelled additional allegations of financial irregularities which include the payment of ghost workers, contraventions of Supply Chain regulations and incurring exorbitant legal costs without following a competitive bid process.

It appears that the ANC has turned the Ratlou Local Municipality into a funnel for corruption in North West. The continued looting of public funds have a devastating impact on mostly rural Ratlou communities who have to endure life without any basic services like adequate water, electricity supply and sanitation services,

The DA will utilise every mechanism at its disposal to ensure that those ANC comrades and cadres who stole funds meant for the delivery of services to Ratlou residents account for every cent, that funds are recovered and that they face prosecution.

Ratlou residents can restore good governance and improve service delivery this year by voting DA. Only a DA-led government will put a stop to cadre deployment, corruption and theft, towards improving service delivery.