DA urges North West residents – register to vote this weekend to rescue South Africa

Issued by Leon Basson MP – DA North West Provincial Leader
01 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The DA in North West urges all eligible but unregistered or incorrectly registered voters in the province to visit their nearest voting station to register to vote to rescue South Africa. It is important for voters to confirm that they are correctly registered because, unlike previous elections, one can only vote at the polling station where registered.

We were encouraged by the 30 000 North West residents who registered to vote in this year’s election for the first time during the IEC’s registration weekend in November 2023, but almost 770 000 eligible but unregistered voters should still register.

This weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 03 and 04 February 2024, is the last chance for all unregistered voters to take the ownership of the future of our province and our country by registering to vote in this year’s national elections.

We are at a historic crossroad in our country’s history. For the first time in 30 years there is a realistic possibility to usher in a new era of a DA-led good, clean and responsive national government that will deliver services, create jobs and ensure that every cent is spent towards improving the lives of every citizen.

Every vote counts. Every vote for the DA is a vote for a better, more prosperous life, for all. Our governments throughout South Africa deliver quality basic services like clean water, proper sanitation, functional public health facilities and schools. Through our good governance, we are attracting investment and creating jobs, driving back the desperation of poverty and inequality.

We now need to continue our good work in national government before it is too late. Join hands with the DA to rescue South Africa. Register this weekend to vote DA.