800 000 North West residents should register to vote DA this weekend

Issued by Leon Basson MP – DA North West Provincial Leader
14 Nov 2023 in Press Statements

The correct statement:

Note to Broadcasters: Please find linked soundbites in English and Afrikaans by Leon Basson MP

The DA calls on all unregistered North West voters who love South Africa and our province to make use of the IEC’s Registration Weekend, this coming Saturday and Sunday, 18 and 19 November 2023, to register to vote DA in next year’s elections.

More than 800 000 North West residents who are eligible to vote, have not yet registered to do so. Your vote can make all the difference towards electing a DA-led government that can begin the process of rebuilding what the ANC has destroyed in North West and rescue South Africa from complete collapse.

It is now or never, make or break for South Africa in 2024. In 1994 we voted for constitutional democracy and the promise of prosperity, equality, and freedom. Next year, we must vote to rescue our beautiful country from the failures of the ANC in government that has seen the rise of a criminal onslaught on law-abiding citizens, and an increase in unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

While citizens struggle every day to feed their families, to send their children to school, to access quality healthcare, and to live in safe and secure communities, the ANC in government continues to erode all our efforts in building a better life through corruption, fraud, and theft that sees North West municipalities collapse leaving residents without any basic service delivery.

Not a single North West municipality is fully functional. Almost every municipality in this province has collapsed under the ANC’s watch. We all struggle to access clean water and reliable electricity supply. We do not enjoy adequate sanitation services, refuse removal, or road maintenance.

The North West Provincial Government has also failed. Schools are falling apart, clinics and hospitals suffer staff, equipment, and medicine shortages and we are increasingly falling victim to violent crime, while businesses are disinvesting from this province because of a collapse of municipalities and poor service delivery, seeing more and more citizens join the unemployment lines.

Enough is enough.

Unregistered voters can no longer afford to observe the collapse in North West from the sidelines. We all must take a stand, together. While things in North West look bleak and depressing, we have hope. That hope lies in your hands. Register to vote DA this weekend because only the DA can rebuild what the ANC has destroyed. Only a DA-led national government in 2024 can rescue South Africa.

These are not empty promises, but a commitment based on our credible track record in the Western Cape. Where we are creating 98 out of every 100 new jobs in the country, and we are building safe and secure communities through our local law enforcement programme (LEAP) which saw 500 000 law enforcement operations resulting in more than 9 000 arrests in a single year by 1 200 LEAP Officers, where our schools are delivering quality education and our public hospitals are safe, clean and offer the best medical care on par with the private sector.

The DA is ready to do the same in North West. Together, we can win. Together, we can rebuild. Together, we will rescue South Africa.